Friday, 26 May 2017

Hey Guys, hope you haven't missed reading my blog posts too much, jokes! I have been super busy with exams and life that my blog sadly have to sit in the back seat for a moment. However, it is now my number one priority so expect regular post. My schedule I believe shall be uploads every 3 days, but this can and probably will vary throughout time so do not hold me to it.

If you have read my blog before you will know I take about really sensitive social issues and as much as I love those posts and will be continuing to do them, I wanted a little break. So instead of only uploading a post once a week due to how long those posts usually are. I decided to add some new content onto my blog. So I am still giving advice as I normally do or giving my opinions but just on less serious things such as beauty and books etc...

Also my template is new! I am really excited about it and in awe of it.

In the comments can you please give me some things that I should review for you all such as a beauty product, books or random stuff. I am up for random stuff too. Thank you in advance.

Anyway this was just a super duper short post just to tell you where I have been and what the future of my blog is.

Becks x


  1. Replies
    1. I'm planning on it! Makeup post going up tomorrow:) xx

  2. love your new template! I am looking for a new book to read so a book review would be great xx



    1. Books are my life so there will definitely be reviews coming up x

  3. It's so lovely to see you back babe! I hope your exams weren't too hard and that you can chill a little now that they're all over and done with.

    I'd love it if you could review some cruelty-free/vegan beauty products as of course I'm a cruelty-free blogger so I would be really interested in reading your thoughts of cruelty-free makeup.

    I'm currently reading "Gi Fletcher's book, Happy Mum Happy Baby" which is so amazing, even if you're not an actual mother yet yourself. I highly recommend this book! πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x
    www.AlishaValerie.com | www.twitter.com/AlishaValerie

  4. Congrats on finishing your exams! I've finished university now so I'll be blogging a lot more too, also love your new theme x

  5. Hope all your exam went well it's good to have you back!

  6. Good to have you back! I love your blog buddy :)


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