Tuesday, 28 August 2018

I thought I would write a post where I just tell you facts about me so you could get to know me better. I think it is really important to get to know about the blogger behind posts. I know this is such an old post concept but it really is a solid one. I'll just jump into it instead of droning on.

1. My last name is in fact not Elaine, it is my middle name
2. I changed my last name when I turned 16
3. I am Scottish and proud
4. I am an only child
5. I am currently studying International Tourism and Airline Management at uni
6. I have two cats, Jynx and Cleo 
7. I was bullied when I was in primary school till early high school
8. I have such an open heart, not always a good thing
9. My mind likes to sabotage itself when I realise I am happy it always finds a way to make myself feel worst again

10. Reading is my safe haven 
11. The Holiday is my favourite romance film
12. My favourite genre of movies is musicals
13. I will dance anywhere, even if there is no music. I am actually dancing whilst writing this post to Single Ladies
14. I am a wannabe singer who cannot sing to save herself
15. My favourite era of music is early 2000s
16. The universe and everything to do with space interests me so much
17. I love learning about conspiracy theories
18. My favourite videos are the ones talking about unexplained cases and missing people cases
19. I love politics and debating
20. My favourite animal is polar bears
21. I love airports
22. I love back rubs
23. I only like my coffee iced
24. I love stationery, I will buy a lot of it and then never use half of it

25. Zac Efron has been my celebrity crush since I was 5
26. I have a serious crush on Jude Law
27. My newest celebrity crush is Richard Madden
28. My favourite singer of all time is cheesy Michael Buble
29. I have met David Tennant
30. David Tennant is my favourite actor

31. As much as I can wait I cannot wait to have kids one day
32. I want a golden retriever, a girl, named Daisy
33. I want to live by the beach one day
34. I would love to be an author one day
35. I would love to be a travel blogger (maybe one day)
36. I want to work in an airport one day
37. I want to travel the world

38. I hate change with a passion
39. I dream every single night and still remember many of my dreams, which isn't always a good thing
40. I am a night owl but so want to be a morning person
41. I only ever seem to get overly motivated in the early hours of the morning
42. I hate eggs
43. I have never read Harry Potter or seen much of the films
44. I have an obsession with cutting my hair short then instantly regretting it
45. I have really bad back pains a lot
46. I am so indecisive, probably the most indecisive person ever
47. I am so impatient
48. I am the worst procrastinator ever
49. I lose my phone so many times, even when it is sitting right beside me
50. I love blogging


  1. It’s actually kind of creepy how many of these I agree with (esp Zac, I can’t remember not loving him) Great post xx

  2. I absolutely love posts like this! It's such a nice way to find out more about other bloggers. I also really want a golden retriever, they are absolutely beautiful! x

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! Golden retrievers are just the best x

  3. I love reading posts like this! They're so fun. :) I usually have pretty vivid dreams that I remember, too. When I was younger, I kept a dream journal, and I still remember some of the dreams I've had when I was quite young. Like you said, that can be a good and bad thing. There's still one dream I remember when I was six that scared me so much, and I'll still think about to this day. I must admit though, it's not as scary to me anymore. It's more silly than anything else now lol.

    Theresa | https://thecalicobooks.wordpress.com/

    1. It is funny how dreams so intense in the moment and then after a while it seems so funny how anxious you were even knowing it was just a dream x

  4. Yay I love posts like this, you learn so much about people! I am a fellow proud Scot :) Your course sounds so interesting! I'm sure a career like that will come in handy with wanting to travel a lot haha. I'm also a massive conspiracy theory/true crime lover too, some of the missing persons ones are totally nuts!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

    1. Scots for the win! I really hope my career will allow me to travel one day x

  5. I adore these kinds of posts, really helloyiur audience get to know you more.
    Also, the holiday is such a great film !

  6. Can definitely see some similarities here! I’m also an only child, incredibly impatient and would love to live by the beach! That’d be my absolute dream.


  7. The names of your cats are so sweet!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  8. David Tennant is my favourite actor too, what a man! I love these kinds of posts and I’m so glad you’ve done one! It was fab getting to know you better.

    Vicki | www.missviclb.co.uk

  9. Yay for cats and conspiracy theories! I also hate eggs, unless they're in cake!
    Imogen’s Typewriter. <3


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